Pod Power Part 3

POD POWER - part 3 Safety Measures Necessary to reduce risk of Viral Illness Spread Social Distancing with emphasis on CCP (See parts 1 & 2)Practice 20/20. Every 20 minutes drink warm fluids (hot water with fresh lemon is a great option)Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water.  If soap and water is not available, hand wipes with 70% alcohol next best option)Cover coughs and sneeze,Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze...

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Pod Power Part 2

POD POWER - part 2 Why flattening the curve is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT! From a community health perspective, this is critical!  Our local hospitals have capacity for approximately 60 critically ill patients on ventilators at once, and in a city of 100,000 people, if we have more than 60 people becoming critically ill at once, we’re in trouble.  If we don’t flatten the curve, this can easily happen in a day. Additionally, any other reason for need of critical care (auto...

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Pod Power Part 1

POD POWER - part 1 I will start with the good news.  Community spread of viral illness can be slowed and minimized.  And we have the knowledge and tools to accomplish this.  If… and this is a huge IF… we are willing to do the work. Social Distancing has Failed We have never heard this phrasing before and many have been confused by it.  It didn’t sound too serious. After being been told to “socially distance” we continued to place...

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Local Telemedicine Services

Hilltop Medical Clinic “Adapting to Rapidly Changing Health Care Climate” Staying Ahead of The Curve - Offering "Local Telemedicine Services" Redding, Ca— Today, Hilltop Medical Clinic announced immediate availability of Telemedicine enabling those who might be infectious, as well as at personal risk, to seek excellent medical care from the comfort and safety of their homes by someone you know is close by to follow up directly. Please Sign in online @ HilltopMedicalClinic.com for a Telemedicine Visit. If unsure a...

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It’s Flu Season Too

IT’S STILL FLU SEASON TOO! The flu is here and it does respond to medication!   Influenza (Flu) Symptoms Influenza (flu) can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death.  Flu is different from a cold. Flu usually comes on suddenly. People who have flu often feel some or all of these symptoms: fever* or feeling feverish/chillscoughsore throatrunny or stuffy nosemuscle or body achesheadachesfatigue (tiredness)some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common...

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Dear Valued Patients,                                   UPDATED 6/15/2022                     With your best interest in mind, and to be pro-active in limiting the spread of the covid, influenza and other viruses, we ask that you follow our strict guidelines. 7-days per Week Urgent Care Services WELL-PATIENT VISITS: We ask that our healthy patients in need of a routine physical exam or have an injury, to please Register Online at HilltopMedicalClinic.com and we will call you to let you know when to head on in to...

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Enjoy our Beautiful North State Outdoors this Spring!

Our Owners of Hilltop Medical Clinic and Hilltop Medical Clinic West have been supportive of our community’s health & well-being for 32 years now. Continuing that support, we will be recommending upcoming outdoor events such as the Mayors Mtn Bike Challenge which runs from May 20th through June 1st, 2018. There are different levels for the whole family. Most of all, it promotes our beautiful outdoors, biking trails, something healthy and family time together! By providing Proof- of- Participation, we...

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Local Health Update by Michael Jorde, M.D

Air quality issues resulting from recent fires in our region have contributed to an increase in the occurrence of airway and respiratory illnesses. Asthmatic patients should ensure that their inhaler supplies are not outdated and  seek medical care if respiratory symptoms present. Streptococcal pharyngitis is being seen more frequently in Shasta County.  Rapid strep testing is available at most local clinic sites.  Proper diagnosis and treatment of pharyngeal infections can reduce unnecessary over utilization of antibiotics. Influenza vaccination has begun in the...

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Vaccinations: Effective or Dangerous

We are starting our series with the topic of vaccinations, one of the controversial areas of preventive health care.  The arguments for and against vaccination are passionate and complicated.  This topic includes discussions on personal risk, personal rights, public good and public responsibilities.  The consequences are real.  Small outbreaks of Pertussis and Measles demonstrate a vulnerability in our population as the vaccine rates drop below critical levels.  And in California, families choosing not to vaccinate are having to home school...

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Annual Physical Exam

The value of an annual physical exam has been controversial since I started my practice in 1982.  Over and over again research has failed to demonstrate that people having annual or preventive exams experienced better health and longevity than those who did not have routine exams.  Why is is so difficult to prove something that intuitively feels obvious?  The answer is that research outcomes depend on what is measured. Traditionally, the annual exam was a time for patients to pause...

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