After a CoVid-19 Test

Printable Version For More Information you may contact Shasta County Health Dept or go online at: ShastaReady.Org
Printable Version For More Information you may contact Shasta County Health Dept or go online at: ShastaReady.Org
In California we now have a State Of Emergency with a Shelter In Place recommendation. First, let's talk about what is "shelter in place"? This means you stay home. This means YOUR HOME, not the neighbors, friends, people in other towns or cities who are also staying home. It means you lock down your CCP and stick to that small number of contacts. The reason for this is to minimize those for whom YOU could unknowingly expose. We are trying...
Update for the week of March 30 This is a pivotal week for the USA. We will be tested on our unified cooperation this week. The current number of positive CoVid-19 Cases today in the USA is over 157,000. Please Take This Seriously! If the exponential growth continues, we could be at 1 million in eight days. We have no way of knowing who has been infected, who is asymptomatic and inadvertently spreading it locally. We have a chance to keep...
Who Gets Tested Now? After You've Been Tested After you’ve been tested for Influenza or Covid-19 (Coronavirus). These are both highly contagious viral illnesses and you must understand your responsibility to yourself, house mates (CCP- Consensually Consistent Pod) and your community. Until you get your test results back, assume you have the viral illness.DO NOT TRAVELPut yourself into quarantine for 14 days or until you get a negative result. Until you get a negative test, or if POSITIVE for either...
POD POWER - Part 4 What we are re-learning through this Pandemic. Covid-19 VS Influenza According to annual reports, the influenza virus causes 3–5 million severe cases which result in 250,000 to 350,000 deaths worldwide. Vaccination is the most important preventive strategy against influenza, with the crucial expected outcome being antibody production, although it is still not sufficiently effective to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with influenza in humans. [i] “What we are doing with the Coronavirus pandemic, we...
IT’S STILL FLU SEASON TOO! The flu is here and it does respond to medication! Influenza (Flu) Symptoms Influenza (flu) can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. Flu is different from a cold. Flu usually comes on suddenly. People who have flu often feel some or all of these symptoms: fever* or feeling feverish/chillscoughsore throatrunny or stuffy nosemuscle or body achesheadachesfatigue (tiredness)some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common...
Dear Valued Patients, UPDATED 6/15/2022 With your best interest in mind, and to be pro-active in limiting the spread of the covid, influenza and other viruses, we ask that you follow our strict guidelines. 7-days per Week Urgent Care Services WELL-PATIENT VISITS: We ask that our healthy patients in need of a routine physical exam or have an injury, to please Register Online at and we will call you to let you know when to head on in to...