POD POWER – Part 4
What we are re-learning through this Pandemic.
Covid-19 VS Influenza
According to annual reports, the influenza virus causes 3–5 million severe cases which result in 250,000 to 350,000 deaths worldwide. Vaccination is the most important preventive strategy against influenza, with the crucial expected outcome being antibody production, although it is still not sufficiently effective to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with influenza in humans. [i]
“What we are doing with the Coronavirus pandemic, we need to
also be doing every year for Influenza.
See data below. The N1H1 portion
of the vaccine for 2019/2020 is a good match.
The Influenza B portion is 50% effective this year. Even with a fairly good match we still could
be doing better with our personal and community behaviors.” Dr. Mark Pierce
Flu Surveillance is something we all need to be much more aware of. [ii]
United States as of March 25, 2020
Coronavirus Cases:[iii]
United States 2018/2019 Season
Influenza Cases:
35.5 million
Medical Visits
16.5 million
Important to note: We are not minimizing the immediate CoVid-19 crisis by any stretch – we are simply saying, we have a simultaneous health crisis occurring that seems to be dangerously minimized by our society and media. Every year thousands of Americans die from influenza – yet we don’t provide for those who are ill and need to isolate, we don’t demand self-quarantine tactics, we don’t make public announcements about CCPs during flu season or protecting those at greatest risk. Yes, we have the offering of vaccines – but please note, these numbers above are WITH the advantage of an annual vaccine.
What can we learn from the current crisis? The lessons are coming fast to all of us. Use this time well.
#WashYourHand #StayHome #SocialDistancing #ShelterInPlace #WhenSickStayHome
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[i] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6121423/
[ii] https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/index.htm
[iii] https://ncov2019.live/data
By Dr. Nancy Sutton Pierce
Health Educator & PR/Media Liaison
PRESS: Contact for PR or Media – DrNancy@DrNSP.com