Enjoy our Beautiful North State Outdoors this Spring!

Our Owners of Hilltop Medical Clinic and Hilltop Medical Clinic West have been supportive of our community’s health & well-being for 32 years now. Continuing that support, we will be recommending upcoming outdoor events such as the Mayors Mtn Bike Challenge which runs from May 20th through June 1st, 2018. There are different levels for the whole family. Most of all, it promotes our beautiful outdoors, biking trails, something healthy and family time together! By providing Proof- of- Participation, we...

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Local Health Update by Michael Jorde, M.D

Air quality issues resulting from recent fires in our region have contributed to an increase in the occurrence of airway and respiratory illnesses. Asthmatic patients should ensure that their inhaler supplies are not outdated and  seek medical care if respiratory symptoms present. Streptococcal pharyngitis is being seen more frequently in Shasta County.  Rapid strep testing is available at most local clinic sites.  Proper diagnosis and treatment of pharyngeal infections can reduce unnecessary over utilization of antibiotics. Influenza vaccination has begun in the...

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Vaccinations: Effective or Dangerous

We are starting our series with the topic of vaccinations, one of the controversial areas of preventive health care.  The arguments for and against vaccination are passionate and complicated.  This topic includes discussions on personal risk, personal rights, public good and public responsibilities.  The consequences are real.  Small outbreaks of Pertussis and Measles demonstrate a vulnerability in our population as the vaccine rates drop below critical levels.  And in California, families choosing not to vaccinate are having to home school...

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Annual Physical Exam

The value of an annual physical exam has been controversial since I started my practice in 1982.  Over and over again research has failed to demonstrate that people having annual or preventive exams experienced better health and longevity than those who did not have routine exams.  Why is is so difficult to prove something that intuitively feels obvious?  The answer is that research outcomes depend on what is measured. Traditionally, the annual exam was a time for patients to pause...

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Local health Conditions — July 2016

There has been an increase in poison oak, as people enjoy the lakes and trails in our area.  Once the oak contacts the skin, if is difficult to spread to others with direct contact.  However, clothing, shoes, animals can continue to share long after the outing. Swimmer's ear has increased due to the warm weather and water.  There are drops at the Pharmacy that will help you remove the unwanted moisture.  Pain with traction on the earlobe is a sign...

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Local health Conditions — April 2016

The Influenza virus is no longer active in our community.  Eye infections have increased recently.  Strep test confirm a minor outbreak. Seasonal allergies are in full bloom.  Start on Claritin D 24 or similar antihistamine.  Shower frequently to remove the dust and pollen from your shin.  Rinse the nasal passages.  Flonase is available OTC at the pharmacy. Make sure you are using head gear anytime you are on a device with "wheels".

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Can HTMC refill my medication if I am vacationing in Redding?

Yes. Patients often lose or forget their medications when they travel.  When you come in for your visit, bring in a list of the medications and dosage or the number of your Pharmacy.  Controlled medications cannot be filled without contacting your primary care Physician directly.  These medications are being monitored closely, and you could void your treating contract with your Doctor. The best way to get your medication refilled is to call your doctor that ordered the medication. Explain that...

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I don’t have a Family Doctor in Redding yet, can you refill my medications?

Yes,  most prescriptions can be filled.  However, refilling controlled medications used on a chronic basis will require obtaining your medical record or contacting their office directly. This will give you time to set up an appointment with a new Family Doctor in Redding. A list of Doctors accepting new patients is available.

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How do I get my Vicodin or Norco medication refilled?

Medication refills (Narcotics): Hilltop Medical Clinic's policy states that narcotic medication can not be refilled without a clinic visit. Please understand that narcotic refills are at the provider's discretion and may be denied during an office visit. Due to problems with narcotic diversion,  we require a photo ID and/or a fingerprint of patients who are prescribed narcotic medication.

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