We are seeing an increase in upper respiratory illnesses including sinusitis and bronchitis. Close attention to hand washing and conservative treatment including rest and hydration are best initial management strategies. See you healthcare provider if not improving.
Flu shots are available at both Hilltop clinics. High dose is available for those 65 years and older- insurance only, not cash pay.
Ski season is soon upon us with snowfall at Mount Shasta Ski Park. Stretching and range of motion exercises can limit ski and snowboard injuries. Helmet protection should be utilized by everyone participating in these activities. X-ray services are available at both clinics if needed.
Conjunctivitis (pink eye) is making it’s way to local schools. Viral infections are common and will resolve spontaneously within 5-7 days. Inflammation not resolving should prompt medical attention and evaluation for bacterial causes that may need additional treatment.