Health care costs and insurance rates are increasing at double digit rates, averaging over 10 per cent a year. Forty-five million Americans are uninsured and those with coverage are paying larger deductibles and co-payments. Physician's offices are being squeezed by increasing overhead and malpractice insurance costs. Hospital emergency departments have a high number of nonpaying patients. These pressures are requiring health care providers to practice more efficiently. This is changing the delivery of our health care. The Physician / Hospital...
Health care costs and insurance rates are increasing at double digit rates, averaging over 10 per cent a year. Forty-five million Americans are uninsured and those with coverage are paying larger deductibles and co-payments. Physician's offices are being squeezed by increasing overhead and malpractice insurance costs. Hospital emergency departments have a high number of nonpaying patients. These pressures are requiring health care providers to practice more efficiently. This is changing the delivery of our health care. The Physician / Hospital...
{googleDir_tohere width=400 height=360 home_label="Hilltop Drive Location" home_lat=40.590745, home_long=-122.357812}
Welcome to Hilltop Medical Clinic and Hilltop Medical Clinic West. Forms New patients are required to complete some forms prior to being evaluated by the Physician. Reviewing the forms on the left side of this page will speed up the process. All patients can pre-register by telephone to reduce the time spent in the waiting room. The receptionist can give you an estimate on the current waiting time. Currently, waiting times are less at our new Clinic in West Redding...
Hilltop Medical Clinic (HMC) was started in 1986 by thirty-five local Primary Care Physicians. "We recognized the need for a Clinic that provided care for minor emergencies, care for patients without a regular doctor, and care when the person's Physician was not available." In 1986 the concept of urgent care was just beginning. Urgent Care Clinics bridge-the-gap between the Doctor's office and the Hospital, and they are much less expensive than an emergency room visit. They compliment, but do not...
Electronic Medical Records are not the solution for personal responsibility. Everyone should take an evening and write on a piece of paper their own preventive health care plan and then follow it. No one cares about your health more than yourself. You are not helping your family or the health care crisis if you are neglecting your health.
HMC has been using electronic medical records for nine years. We have no plans to link our system to the 'grid', so you can have confidence that your records are truly private. Hilltop Medical Clinic is not a Medicare provider, but Medicare patients are welcome at our clinic. Medicare patients are required to pay medicare rates at the time of service, but we electronically bill for the visit so you receive a prompt payment from the Medicare trust fund, usually...
Hilltop Medical Clinic located at 1093 Hilltop Drive Hours: Mon - Sunday: 8 AM - 5:45 PM Phone: (530) 221-1565 Fax: (530) 221-3912 We are closed on the major holidays: New Year's Eve, Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Physician Schedule *subject to change
Strep throat is a bacterial infection involving the back of the throat and tonsils. The classic presentation is the onset of body aches, headache and a severe sore throat with clinical findings of fever, swollen lymph nodes and tonsil exudates. A fine sand paper red rash or strep odor also confirm a strep infection. Strep prefers the throat and usually spares the ears, sinus, nose and chest, although there are always exceptions. Group A beta hemolytic streptococcus is the...