What should I expect when I come in for my Immigration Physical?

The entire visit may take more than one hour. You will need to complete various forms to register at the clinic. You will need your blood drawn, have a PPD, which is a Test for Tuberclulosis exposure (skin test) placed on your left forearm (WHICH MUST BE READ IN A 48 TO 72 HOUR WINDOW OF TIME), and the doctor will do a physical exam. Both men and women will be required to take off their underwear for this exam. You may need to get immunizations from the Public Health Department in your local county and return with documentation.

It may take one week to get the lab results. If your PPD test is positive, you will be required to get a chest x-ray. We will not release the physical paperwork to you until all results are back, you have gotten all immunizations and you have signed the form. (Parents sign for children under 18 yrs old).

If you get your  PPD test read at another medical facility, the documentation must show  the name of the facility, time and date read, with a signature of the person who read the test and there title.The result should be in MM’s.  We are required to have documentation of the patient’s identity, therefore, the result It should also state the person’s ID was checked at the time of the reading.

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