Summer Skin Care Tips

by Elizabeth Stratte, M.D. Pediatric Dermatology Specialist Even if you’re largely staying indoors due to social distancing, as temperatures start to rise, it’s important to take a serious look at your current skin-care routine and make some changes to be summer-ready. ACNE BREAKOUTSSummer sweat can clog your pores. To help prevent acne, blot sweat from your skin with a clean towel or cleansing cloth whenever you fell sweaty. Wiping can irritate your skin, which can lead to a breakout, so...

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Seasonal Allergies by Michael Jorde, M.D.

Northern California and specifically Shasta County, is known for its high pollen counts.  Ample ragweed and oak growth result in these elevated pollen levels and bring about seasonal allergy symptoms for local residents.   Itchy eyes and nasal congestion are characteristic symptoms of seasonal allergy.  Over-the-counter medications including nasal steroids and non-sedating antihistamines are effective initial treatment strategies for these symptoms. Should the initial treatments not provide relief from allergies, the patient should seek medical care from their primary care physician...

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The SARS-CoV-2 Virus has ravaged the World and the United States.  Our efforts to control the spread with lockdowns, masks, and socially distancing were initially effective and now have failed.  Our ability to test and trace has been overwhelmed.  Our economy has suffered from the loss of jobs and businesses with little hope of full recovery until the pandemic abates.  Our State and Federal Governments have provided financial assistance and protections, but many people are stressed, worried about their next...

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Local Health Update by Michael Jorde, M.D

Air quality issues resulting from recent fires in our region have contributed to an increase in the occurrence of airway and respiratory illnesses. Asthmatic patients should ensure that their inhaler supplies are not outdated and  seek medical care if respiratory symptoms present. Streptococcal pharyngitis is being seen more frequently in Shasta County.  Rapid strep testing is available at most local clinic sites.  Proper diagnosis and treatment of pharyngeal infections can reduce unnecessary over utilization of antibiotics. Influenza vaccination has begun in the...

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Strep Throat

  Strep throat is a bacterial infection involving the back of the throat and tonsils. The classic presentation is the onset of body aches, headache and a severe sore throat with clinical findings of fever, swollen lymph nodes and tonsil exudates. A fine sand paper red rash or strep odor also confirm a strep infection. Strep prefers the throat and usually spares the ears, sinus, nose and chest, although there are always exceptions. Group A beta hemolytic streptococcus is the...

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Deep Cuts / Lacerations

Lacerations are cuts or tears in the skin that expose the underlying fat, muscle or bone. In general cuts from a sharp object heal quicker and have a smaller scar. All lacerations cause a scar. The first step is to exclude injury to underlying structures, such as a broken bone, cut ligament or cut artery. Bleeding can usually be controlled with direct pressure. Ligaments will require surgical repair. A bone may need reduction. Early closure reduces the risk of infection....

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Cough is due to a reflex, triggered by irritation of the upper airways, that causes a spasm of the chest and diaphragm muscles. It is the first defense of the lungs against infection. Ironically, it is also responsible for rapidly spreading infection. Treatment is based on the underlying cause. Viral infections are the most common cause for acute cough in healthy children and adults. They are often accompanied with nasal congestion, a mild sore throat and fevers. The acute illness...

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Sore Throat (Acute)

  Sore throat is a common cause for an office visit. The diagnosis and treatment remains controversial and is still actively discussed in the medical literature. The problem is that symptoms overlap and limit the accuracy for even this simple diagnosis. Viral infections are the most common and are frequently preceded by nasal congestion. Throat pain is usually mild and improves with liquids; however herpangina, an enterovirus infection, can cause severe pain and blisters on the roof of the mouth....

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